
Arcebispo de Denver (EUA) felicita Montfort e artigo

Em recente e aplaudida conferência, pronunciada em Chicago para representantes de diversas comunidades religiosas, Mons. Charles Chaput OFM Cap., Arcebispo de Denver, Colorado (EUA), ressaltou que ser católico não significa estar diante de um"salad bar", cada um escolhendo o que mais lhe agrada.

"Há 40 anos ouvimos um coro constante que nos recorda como devemos estar abertos ao mundo, apreender do mundo, reconhecer as coisas boas do mundo e ser mais humildes na nossa aproximação ao mundo", disse o prelado, concluindo que o que Deus quer é que o mundo seja convertido e santificado, e não que seja venerado" (extrato da notícia divulgada pela , 05/04/02).

Congratulamos Mons. Chaput pela clareza e oportunidade das suas declarações, enviando-lhe a versão inglesa do artigo "Viva o Papa", dele recebendo a resposta ao nosso e-mail:


De: Archbishop Chaput
Enviada em: quinta-feira, 18 de abril de 2002 11:08
Para: Marcelo Fedeli
Assunto: RE: Congratulation for Your conference: "Catholicism is not a "salad bar" !

Dear Marcelo,

Thanks for your recent email. I reviewed the article you attached and found it interesting. I admire your loyalty and zeal for the Church. I certainly wish you and your Montfort project well, and I'll pray for the success of your apostolate.

Be assured of my prayers and best wishes,


-----Original Message-----
From: Marcelo Fedeli
Sent: Thursday, April 11, 2002 8:28 AM
To: Archbishop Chaput
Subject: Re: Congratulation for Your conference: "Catholicism is not a "salad bar" !

Most Reverend Charles J. Chaput, OFMCap

Laudamus Domino! Deo gratias!

Thank You very much in replying my e-mail and in sending me Your conferences.

We (MONTFORT CULTURAL ASSOCIATION) will translate Your conferences texts into Portuguese version in order to publish then.

Most Reverend Chaput, if You allow me, I'm sending You, for Your knowledge and, if You agree, for Your eventual comments, the first English version article which will start the English version of our site, we hope, at the end of April: "Hail to the Pope" ("Viva o Papa"). This is an old article published in our site, which folows the main line of your articles.

Excuse-me in keeping Your Time, but just a word more about MONTFORT Association.

We are about 400 associated catholic people, involving from Universty teachers to workmen, with its complete families (including the children). There are also some friend priests wich give us a very good support.

Our major objectif is to save the souls, according to the Roman Catholic Church Doctrine, wherever we develope our professional work, and consequentely, we defend the Church with all our possibilities against its ennemies.

I do appreciate Your kind reply.

Please, pray for us.

In corde Iesu semper

Marcelo Fedeli

S. Paulo - Brasil



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